The easiest way to setup your Wireless Rollo is via the Rollo App.

In case you do not have access to an iOS or Android device or you are unable to download the Rollo App (Unsupported regions), you can set up your Rollo Wireless Printer via your computer.


1. Press and hold (using your finger nail) the small Wi-Fi LED button for 11-15 seconds until it flashes "Yellow" - it will enter the "AP Mode"

2. On your computer, go to your Wi-Fi Network list and find Rollo and click to connect

3. If prompted, choose "Connect using a Security Key instead" and enter "rolloprinter" as password

4. Rollo Printer Portal page will pop up and you can select you Wi-Fi network and enter your Wi-Fi password

5. Once you see the WiFi LED light on your Rollo printer turns into solid "Blue", it means that it is connected

6. Print the Rollo sample label  to test -